
Friday, February 10, 2012

3 simple steps to stop emotional eating

We ALL know this scene
I mean there she is…A girl, crying, sobbing just been dumped by her boyfriend and what ?! uh oh, there she goes, she’s walking to the freezer, she opens it up and grabs the ice cream, goes to the cabinet and reaches for hot fudge sauce, and what would it be without M&M’s right?, uh oh, here comes..Well yea of course the whip cream. I mean come on what is anything without ..whip cream?!.. Then she goes to the living room couch and sits down next to the biggest box of Kleenex in the world.  There she is folks, sitting on her couch sobbing into the ice cream she is about to polish off… and in about 10 minutes…..
really regret doing it.

Did it really solve her problem, or CREATE another one ? 

Why DO we do that? …Does it REALLY make us feel better? ….And I  mean longer than it takes us to eat it… 
When did we get emotional about food,  and when did it become …..Our best buddy ?
So, why do we  keep doing it over and over ? I mean, it doesn’t really solve the problem.  The problem is still there and….. NOW….. you feel………FAT ?!    Gimme a break right?!

Food for thought

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” —Albert Einstein

Well Einstein was pretty smart,  so I decided to take his word for it and try something different. My way wasn’t working…………………..    so I thought….. What if  I tried a different approach this time ? and tried new ways of handling emotional eating .

3 simple steps .
When reaching for something ...... Stop .  
Take a breath
Now before you eat whatever you are zoning in on.. Ask yourself these 3 questions .
You are So worth that and the 30 seconds it  will take you to think about the answers…

1.  Am I REALLY hungry?
Sometimes we will eat because we are bored.  Not REALLY hungry,  just bored.  I think probably most everyone has done this at one time or another.  Like I said, I know I have in the past. It fills time and gives us something to fill our boredom with.  But how smart is that really ?  But If when I  stop and ask myself  “Am I really hungry for that?”
If I’m asking myself this question, the answer is usually  no. 

2..  Is it really worth how I know I will feel,  IF,  I eat this?
When I ask myself this,  the answer is always…. no.
 I hate, repeat… Hate that feeling when I have eaten something and then feel bad about it. My guess is so do you.  I inevetibly  always feel WORSE than it was EVER was going to taste GOOD.    I have learned is this:  If I am asking myself this question in the first place,   then most likely,   it’s not the right choice for me.

3. Is this going to help me get to where I NEED to be in my heart and soul?
You have to ask yourself  if  it’s going to hurt or really help you get where you want to go with your diet. Closer to your goal… or further away?   If you are asking yourself this question, the answer is most likely.. no as well. 
I know it can be hard to stop,  walk away and  go pick up the healthier choice.   Even.. Not eat anything at all. 
But here it is guys….. Where you decide if you are serious about what you want.
                 ****It’s a continual  effort.  You have to decide you are strong and worth it.**** 

You will always be worth the effort!.

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