
Saturday, December 24, 2011

A message from Isabelle


At year's end we reflect upon our triumphs and our stresses,
We're wondering if we'll ever fit into our pants and dresses!
It's Christmas time, and most of us will find there'll be some damage,
With yummy treats to eat and drink,and relatives to manage!

If some of you are worrying that you'll never get to goal,
I beg you to believe you can - with all your heart and soul!
Persistence, not perfection - it works, so simply try it,
Remember, it's a lifestyle change, it's not a frikin' diet!

We am to be a healthy weight, it never was a race,
And think of me at Christmas wiping crumbs off from my face,
And if you gain a kilo - or even 2 or 3,
Come back next year, with head held high - well, that's what worked for me!


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